Leading figures in the UK nuclear industry joined local MPs at Carlisle Racecourse on Friday, June 30 for the Northern Nuclear Conference.

Officials from Sellafield, Tetra Tech, Rolls Royce delivered presentations and took part in panel discussions about the future role nuclear power is to have in Cumbria and across the UK in the years to come.

The conference, which was also attended by the UK’s nuclear minister, Andrew Bowie, was hosted by Carlisle MP, John Stevenson and began with a recorded message from the prime minister.

In the video, PM Rishi Sunak said: “I understand just how important the nuclear industry is for the northern economy, particularly for jobs in Cumbria.

“But reviving nuclear isn’t just about growing our economy, its also about reducing people’s energy bills and powering Britian, from Britain.”

Cumbria already plays a key role in the UK’s nuclear power capabilities with 27,000 people employed in the sector across the county and there are hopes that further nuclear plants, including small modular reactors (SMR) will come to Cumbria in the near future.

Carlisle MP, John Stevenson said that the government had a ‘commitment’ to nuclear power in the country and across the UK.

“If you asked me about a national commitment to nuclear few years ago, I would've been questioning, but I think there's a real commitment now.

“You saw the Prime Minister do that introduction today. We've got the Minister for Energy here, speaking to the conference.

“In two weeks’ time, we will have the launch of GB nuclear so I think there's a clear-cut commitment now from government to the nuclear industry.

John also said that investment in nuclear in Cumbria and the north of England was a part of the wider levelling up agenda.

“It is about the development of the northern economy,” said John.

“We want to see a rebalancing of the country. We want to see investment in the north of England, and I believe that if you close the gap between the north and the rest of the UK that benefits the whole country, and that is my driving force in terms of trying to see that investment happen.”

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Workington MP, Mark Jenkinson, said” “I thought we've been on the cusp of a renaissance for a number of years.

“We've had some false start, but now I think we are getting out the blocks.

“There's a real opportunity for Cumbria moving forward to put those decades of experience to good use and make sure that we are in a position to capitalize on new nuclear projects across the country.”