St Bees RNLI is sharing a campaign to keep people safe in the water this summer. 

They are sharing the water safety advice of 'Float To Live' which they have shared information about on their social media and website. 

The lifeboat service explains: "As we enjoy the sunshine over the next few weeks, please remember and share RNLI advice, if you get into trouble in the water. 

Tilt your head back with ears submerged,relax and try to control your breathing, move your hands to help you stay afloat

- Once you are over the initial shock, call for help or swim to safety

- In a coastal emergency call 999 or 112 and ask for the Coastguard.

On the RNLI website they also explain the dangers of cold water shock, which is when your body can go into shock in temperatures below 15 c, and you can lose control of your breathing and movement whilst the blood pressure and heart rate can increase, leading to cardiac arrest. 

The average sea temperature in our waters is 12 c, inland waters like lakes, rivers, lochs, and reservoirs can be colder - even in the summer.

The website goes on to explain the dangers of rip currents. They explain: "Rip currents are powerful currents that run out to sea. They can quickly drag you away from the shore and into deep water.

"They can be difficult to spot, and it’s easy to get caught out by them. The best way to avoid rip currents is to choose a lifeguarded beach and always swim between the red and yellow flags. You can always ask RNLI lifeguards for advice."

As there are lots f beaches in our area it is important to know the risks, always carrying a means of calling for help is essential, if you're going into water you can carry your phone in a waterproof pouch. 

This way you can call for help if you or someone else is in danger, in a coastal area call 999.