A small village school with only 46 pupils is celebrating this week after it announced that during one month it raised a staggering £1289.70 for charity. 

Arlecdon Primary School took part in various different fundraisers to raise the money, including the Team Evie Reading Challenge and Red Nose Day.

Pupils also raised money to go towards improving the school library by taking part in ‘crazy hair days’, ‘team colour days’, ‘dress as a rock star’ and bingo. This was all during the same month.

News and Star: Pupils raised money for Red Nose DayPupils raised money for Red Nose Day (Image: Changing Lives Learning Trust)

Headteacher Sophie McCabe said:“I am incredibly proud of our pupils and staff and our wider school community; this encapsulates our school community and our values. 

"Our pupils are incredibly kind and caring and are always eager to help others.  Our pupil leaders came up with the idea of Fundraising Friday alongside a wonderful array of fundraising ideas.

"It has been absolutely fantastic to see all the children and staff and families joining in. Staff and parents initiated a prize bingo event, which was incredibly well attended and lots of fun. 

"There is something incredibly heart-warming about children initiating ways to help others.”

The school also recently awarded its first non-pupil as their ‘Star of the Week’ for their amazing fundraising efforts.

News and Star:  Carol Scott sold 1,470 raffle tickets and was awarded Star of the Week Carol Scott sold 1,470 raffle tickets and was awarded Star of the Week (Image: Changing Lives Learning Trust)

Carol Scott, a grandparent at the school was awarded the acknowledgement by staff, who said: “Carol must have knocked on almost every door in Arlecdon selling raffle tickets to help raise money to refurbish our library. She managed to sell a huge total of 1,470 raffle tickets! Thank you so much Carol!”