A Carlisle Cub scout team have been preparing their hut in preparation for the King’s coronation weekend.

13th Carlisle Cubs had a ‘great time’ this week sprucing up the planters outside the community hut, in readiness for the Stanwix Coronation Celebration planned for Sunday, May 7. 

They also helped to construct ‘Bugingham Palace’ a space in the small garden encouraging biodiversity with cub leader, Katey Moseley saying that the group ‘all had a lot of fun’.

Stanwix Community Association are planning a range of activities, competitions and refreshments in the hut and St Michaels Parish Centre between 11 and 3pm.

The Stanwix alpacas will be putting in an appearance alongside other family fun activities.

“We are so lucky to have been awarded a grant from the National Lottery Community Fund which has made this possible and it is great to see different parts of the community working together,” said Lynda Hepburn.

READ MORE: Carlisle bishop urges prayer about the king ahead of coronation | News and Star

“Artscool with Abby Kilfedder have been incredibly busy working with local groups creating stunning work which will be on display along the trail, as well as providing craft making activities in the hut.

Abby said that this is all about making memories for children so that they have something to talk about in the future.

There is an invite for children and adults to enter the competitions which will be held on the day that include making a crown, baking a coronation cake, completing a royal quiz and following the trail.

“All are welcome, and we are looking forward to celebrating this special occasion with you,” said Paul Nedved the chairperson.