A MAN has called on the government to increase the vaccine damage payment after he was left with a life-changing condition following receipt of the AstraZeneca Covid jab.

Bill Moir, 63, of Penrith, is to receive the maximum amount of £120,000 from the government after he was diagnosed with the rare Miller Fisher variant of the Guillain-Barré syndrome - but has called for more money to help those affected by vaccines.

News and Star: Bill after being diagnosed with Guillain-Barré SyndromeBill after being diagnosed with Guillain-Barré Syndrome (Image: Supplied)Mr Moir, who has been forced to leave his job as a lorry driver, had the AstraZeneca vaccine on March 27, 2021, before heading off to work a night shift.

“I came back the following morning at four o'clock when I finished work, and I was starting to feel the symptoms of a cold or flu, which a lot of people were suffering from after the AstraZeneca jab,” said Bill.

“But mine carried on and I was getting symptoms like cold feet and then I'd feel sick and I was getting aches and pains across the shoulder.

“I phoned the doctors who would take note of the symptoms and then say if they didn't improve to call back, but things didn’t get better.

“I was getting weaker, losing more and more mobility. I got referred to a neurologist and after I saw her, she diagnosed it as Miller Fisher variant of Guillain-Barré syndrome."

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The Miller Fisher variant of Guillain-Barré syndrome causes abnormal muscle coordination, weak muscles and respiratory problems.

A study by University College London has shown a rise in Guillain-Barré syndrome diagnoses following the AstraZeneca vaccine.

Life for Bill became much trickier and he had to move out of his bungalow in Lazonby and had to start using a wheelchair and a mobility scooter to combat his limited mobility.

Before his diagnosis Bill enjoyed playing golf, fell walking and riding motorcycles but has had to stop as he comes to terms with his condition.

News and Star: Bill on his motorcycle before his diagnosisBill on his motorcycle before his diagnosis (Image: Supplied)“We need a better compensation scheme because the way the compensation scheme is at a minute doesn't cover what I've lost. I've lost everything,” he said.

In response to Mr Moir’s situation, a Department for Health and Social Care spokesperson said: “More than 144 million Covid vaccines have been given in England, which has helped the country to live with Covid and saved thousands of lives.

“All vaccines being used in the UK have undergone robust clinical trials and have met the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency’s (MHRA) strict standards of safety, effectiveness and quality.

READ MORE: Legal action against AstraZeneca by vaccine injured and bereaved

“The vaccine damage payments scheme provides additional support to help ease the burden on individuals who have, in extremely rare circumstances, been severely disabled or died due to receiving a government-recommended vaccine for a listed disease."

Bill has had the support of friends, which he is very thankful for, but the future remains unsure.

“The doctors can't guarantee anything at the moment. They say I might make a full recovery, then there might be relapses or I might not make a full recovery,” said Bill.

Anybody who has been affected by a similar issue can apply for compensation through government website.