The Mayor and Mayoress of Carlisle, Mike and Anne Mitchelson made a special visit on Wednesday, March 1 to Kingmoor Junior School in Carlisle. 

Representatives of the school council met with the Mayor and showed them around the school with the headteacher of Kingmoor Junior School, Mrs Stewart.

Mr Mitchelson brought along the ceremonial mace and sword, which was made in Italy in the 16th century to show to the pupils.

After an 'interesting' question and answer session with the mayor, where the pupils asked the mayor about his role and 'how it made him feel, pupils put on a show for the Mayor which included playing the drums and performing an Ancient Eygptian themed dance. 

READ MORE: The Bishop of Carlisle announces retirement plans come August

Pupils in Year six also read some of their suspense writing to the visitors and showed them their work on biomes.