JACK AND JILL Nursery in Stanwix, Carlisle has been handed a new 'good' rating after an Ofsted inspection in December.

The inspection of the nursery took place on Friday, December 16 2022, with the rating remaining unchanged from the nursery's previous inspection.

Following the visit, Ofsted found that a number of aspects of the nursery's services were 'good'.

These included overall effectiveness, the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development and leadership and management.

Ofsted also published a detailed report on where the nursery was excelling and which areas could be improved going forward.

This report praises the nursery's 'passionate and dedicated manager' who 'promotes a strong family ethos in the setting'.

The report also goes on to say: "Parents compliment the friendly and supportive staff team who continuously share next steps and tips with them, to support children's development. 

"This enables continuity of learning between home and the nursery. Children are settled and ready to learn."

Ofsted also highlighted the nursery's ability to prepare and conduct a 'broad curriculum', but did acknowledge that 'occasionally, some children lose interest and do not make the best progress possible.'

They said: "Leaders and staff understand what they want children to learn and plan a broad curriculum to follow children's interests.

"Staff observe and make regular assessments of children's learning.

"They provide a balance of free play and adult-guided activities."

In addition the report detailed how the arrangements for safeguarding are 'effective'.

In terms of improvement at the Jack and Jill nursery, Ofsted recommended two areas in their report.

These were: "Strengthen staff's understanding of how to consistently plan for young babies to develop their large-muscle movements; Support staff to make consistently good use of what children already know when planning adult-led activities and support all children to engage and achieve the most from their learning experiences."