According to Google Trends data, searches for ‘alcoholism’ are up 160% in the last 12 months the UK, indicating that many are struggling with their alcohol consumption.

Also, during the festive period last year (December 2021 and January 2022), there were 33,100 searches for information on ‘Dry January’ in the UK.

However, Google Trend data shows that searches are continuing to drop year on year. 

Dr. Samantha Miller, MB CHB – medical contributor at DrugHelpline, said: "People who are addicted to alcohol may be in denial and unable accept that they have a problem.

"In this case, it can fall on family members and friends to spot the warning signs of problematic alcohol use or addiction and get help. Early signs of alcohol abuse can be difficult to spot. 

"The user may start to prioritize activities involving alcohol consumption or being unable to engage in social activities without drinking. 

"If an alcohol habit is creating a financial burden, look for signs of not spending money on other things, or finding other sources of income, (e.g. selling personal possessions or crime). Also look out for alcohol paraphernalia, such as empty alcohol bottles or cans."