The busiest and quietest times of the week for accident and emergency services at the North Cumbria Integrated Care Trust over the last year have been revealed.

It comes as A&Es across England are at breaking point, with attendance reaching pre-pandemic levels in November and a record proportion of patients facing waits of more than four hours.

NHS Digital figures show that the worst hour of the week to visit A&E at North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust was between 3am and 4am on Mondays in the year to March.

Patients waited an average of five hours and 47 minutes to be either admitted to an inpatient ward, transferred elsewhere or discharged from hospital.

Meanwhile, the shortest waits were between 8am and 9am on Wednesdays, when patients waited an average of two hours and 18 minutes.

Jessica Morris, fellow at the Nuffield Trust, said: "While the Government has now confirmed when the NHS will see some additional funding to tackle these delays, it is too late in the day to have a meaningful impact this year."