North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust has recruited its first International midwives.

Gail Vassallo and Mary Ann Judith Jacob Peara are the latest recruits to join the Trust from overseas.

Gail, 30, has come from Malta and Mary-Ann from Kuwait, although she is originally from Kerala in India.

Gail has moved to Carlisle with her husband and recently started working at the Cumberland Infirmary on the maternity ward.

She said: “I worked as a midwife in Malta for six years. Myself and my husband visited the UK several times and we are big fans of British culture. The UK is similar to Malta. You drive on the same side and English is spoken in Malta so it seemed like a natural choice.

“It was an easy transition to make.”

Gail carried out her first delivery on the maternity ward last month.

She said: “I delivered a boy. I love being part of the journey and forming a relationship with a couple and being there at a momentous time in their lives. It is very special.”

Gail said she was enjoying exploring the local area and had already been to Windermere.

She said: “Every weekend is like a holiday for us at the moment as there are so many places to explore, although it is a little chilly compared to back home.”

Gail says she is looking forward to furthering her career at NCIC.

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Mary-Ann, 39, has left her family and three children in India while she works at CIC.

She said: “I too wanted to further my career and there are lots of opportunities here. I worked as a midwife in Kuwait for 12 years. This is my first time in the UK and I hope my family will be able to join me soon.”

Both Gail and Mary-Ann completed a course in York before starting at NCIC.

Mary-Ann said: “I love being a midwife and help bring new life into the world.”

NCIC hopes to have 10 more midwives arriving before the end of March next year.

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