A school has issued an update following a “shocking incident” involving a student who had to be taken to hospital.

A statement published by the school when it happened on November 10 said: “As you are aware, there has sadly been an incident at the academy today involving an individual student.

“The incident was unprecedented, the first of its kind in over a decade and as such has been understandably difficult for both students and staff to deal with.

“Paramedics were very quickly on the scene and the student was taken for further assessment at hospital."

Issuing an update today (November 12), Abby Deeks, principal, said: "I am pleased to be able to tell you that the student involved continues to be supported and has been in contact with some of his friends.

"Students have again shown great maturity in the academy today and I am proud of the way they have conducted themselves and come together to support one another.

"The importance of coming together as an academy community and the support that this gives individuals cannot be underestimated.

"It is important that the academy recovers together and all students are able to be part of this.

"Today in the academy, all students have been able to talk about their thoughts, feelings and emotions around yesterday's incident.

"There have been guided tutor time activities to take students through this, and they have had access to quiet spaces to seek peer support, support from pastoral staff and watch videos to help them process yesterday's incident.

"Every student has today had the opportunity to revisit who their three 'trusted adults' at the academy are and who they feel they could turn to in times of need.

"Student [sic] who have felt in need of additional support have had short intervention sessions with educational psychologists to gauge their wellness and assess whether they need any further support going forward.

"These actions, alongside the educational psychologist's assessment that everyone they have seen today is going home safely, gives [sic] me the confidence that the support we are providing is meeting students' needs.

"Educational psychologists will also be on-site at the academy next week, so that the students who were absent today are able to be supported.

"It is important that students attend the academy as usual next, students will receive support in group interventions sessions and will be offered peer mentoring as appropriate.

“Our excellent pastoral team will continue to offer their support to all students, and the nurture toom will be open to students who need to seek a safe, quiet space.

“We have also commissioned Kym Allen to undertake an independent investigation into the incident and an [sic] health and safety assessment of the physical environment of the academy.

“We will publish this report and share it with you once it has been produced.”

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