A SHOP worker has been labelled an 'angel' by the disabled woman he bought shopping for at Asda's Carlisle store. 

24-year-old Joe Nicholson, who has worked at the Carlisle store for six years, paid for the disabled customer's shopping after finding out that she had left her purse at home. 

The woman, who was buying essential groceries, subsequently heralded Joe as an 'angel' in a thank you card that she gave him afterwards.

Reflecting on his moment of compassion, Joe spoke about how he hopes others would help those in need.

He said: "The lady reminded me of my nan and because of the time in the evening I didn't want her to have to drive all the way home and back again.

"I didn't do it to get repaid. I hoped if any members of my family were in the same position someone would hopefully do the same."

The store's customer trading manager Sophie Hall, who subsequently nominated Joe for an Asda service superstar award, praised his conduct.

She said: "The customer was very upset and explained that she really needed those essential few items.

"She was disabled and explained that she wouldn't be able to return home and back to the store prior to closing time that day.

"Joe very kindly stepped in and paid for the customer's items himself, all the while reassuring the customer.

"He really went above and beyond." 

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