A man who will be running to raise money for a diabetes unit that helps his nephew has set up another fundraiser as the date approaches.

Gilsland man Andi Keen is going to do his 11th Great North Run (GNR) this year for North Cumbria Diabetes Team.

Seeking to raise £1,000, he said the ward helps his nephew Alfie will all his medical needs.

Andi said he is doing this run for the team as it’s not very well known, and they do ‘fantastic work’.

The team is valuable for many people who live with diabetes, and a national paediatric diabetes audit has shown that North Cumbria’s hospitals are performing above the national average in several key areas set by the royal college of paediatrics and child health, on behalf of the NHS.

Andi has started another fundraiser with the trget of £1,000 after the original one got deleted, he said, and has raised £150 at the time of reporting.

The date of the run is September 11.

To donate to the fundraiser and support Andi Keen in his running challenge, visit the fundraising website at https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/andi-keen-1?utm_id=125.

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