For this Nostalgia segment we will be looking back 23 years into the past at the year 1999. 

A lot has changed in our county and the rest of the UK since 1999, but looking back over our archives it is fascinating to see what life was like back then. 

Looking at these photos we can see the happy times that people have had which rekindle some amazing memories. 

For some they may not have been around at this time whilst for others these pictures will be a great way to reminisce about years gone by. 

One picture shows a group of people from Langholm Day Centre enjoying a cup as tea as they celebrate the international year of older persons. 

Another photo shows a plaque which was unveiled on Dixon's Chimney in 1999 after it's restoration. 

We can also see two children with their class mates wearing red noses on Comic Relief day at Canonbie Primary School. 

Our final photo shows clerk of works Alan Norris checking on progress during the reconstruction of St Michael's Church, Workington