Here is a list of all places in Cumbria where blue-green algae has been confirmed.

According to a location map updated yesterday, the algae, which can cause sickness in humans and pets, has been present in a number of locations in North and South Cumbria.

The algae, while naturally occurring, can cause sickness in humans and pets.

North Cumbria






Talkin Tarn

South Cumbria 


Windermere South Basin

Windermere North Basin


Urswick Tarn

Contact with the algae can cause rashes, eye irritation, vomiting, and diarrhoea, a fever, and muscle and joint pain. It usually forms in warm, nutrient-rich water, which can be a sign of pollution or a body of water going into a drought. 

The EA advises that you cannot tell if an algal bloom in the sea, a lake or river is toxic just by looking at it, so it is safest to assume it is. Pets and children should be kept away from the water and skin contact with the algae should be avoided. 

Water bodies affected by blue-green algae or algal blooms may be green, blue-green, or greenish brown and produce musty, earthy or grassy odours