Cumbria County Council welcomes safety improvements outside Patterdale C of E Primary School.

After receiving comments from residents regarding road safety concerns in the area, Cumbria County Council’s Safer Roads Board has approved plans to improve road safety outside the school on the A592 as part of the Department for Transport Safer Roads Project. 

The safety improvements include implementing a voluntary school crossing patrol which will be managed by Patterdale C of E Primary School. Also adding a yellow backing board to school zone flashing beacons to improve their visibility to oncoming traffic.

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Councillor Keith Little, Cumbria County Council Cabinet member for Highways and Transport, said: "It is great to see these important road safety schemes being implemented outside Patterdale C of E Primary School. There is no doubt that student safety is our top priority.

"Thank you to the Patterdale C of E Primary School, Patterdale Parish Council, and the residents for working with us to ensure these improvements will be progressed."

This work is vital for the safety of the school pupils, and a timeframe for the project will be issued shortly. The county council thanks the community for their support and patience during this time.

The county council say they are delighted to be working in partnership with Patterdale C of E Primary School and Patterdale Parish Council to achieve this goal.