A RECENT peer reviewed article has been printed showing that badger culling has had no effect whatsoever on rates of bovine TB in cattle.

Both culled and unculled areas’ rates have remained the same. That’s 140,000 badgers slaughtered for a cost of £500 million since 1996, including some £50 million from 2013 to today alone, all for no reason.

Farmers have also received 100 per cent value for TB positive cows culled from our taxes, says DEFRA released information.

The NFU and CLA, the drivers of this wasted money, could at least refund the state for placing ignorance before scientific fact, or a tax on dairy farming would be fair and damp down this agricultural hysteria for blaming everybody but themselves for the industry’s problems.

Surely it’s time our government, who fell for this deceit, to resign, or are many themselves farmers and landowners?

J Dumont