POLICE have made fresh appeals to keep dogs on their lead around livestock as lambing season approaches us.

Officers from Cumbria Constabulary are reminding residents that sheep worrying is a crime. They warn of the distressing impact it can have on farmers whose income depends on these animal, telling residents "don't risk it."


Under the Dogs (Protection of Livestock) Act 1953, it is a criminal offence for a dog to actively worry livestock.

A police spokesperson said:

“Worrying is chasing or attacking in a way that may cause injury, suffering and/or pregnant sheep to abort their lambs.

“If sheep are chased they become distressed and their instinct is to run, which can result in injury or death.

They also explained:

“Dog owners must remember to keep their dogs under control and on a lead around farm animals and wildlife.

“We would advise all dog owners and walkers to adhere to the Countryside Code, which offers advice on walking dogs responsibly near livestock and wildlife.”

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