JOHN Studholme (The Cumberland News, letters, May 13) states that ‘people are not happy (with Brexit)’ on the basis of a very small survey.

A pandemic, followed by rising world fuel prices, followed by a war in Ukraine is hardly going to give an easy ride, economically, to any political party. And the situation can only get tougher.

I never see any political party through rose-tinted spectacles, but I am grateful that we have a government that got a move on with vaccinations.

As to the economy, I took on my first mortgage when Labour was in power and the interest rate for that first month was nearly 18 per cent.

It is good that we live in a democracy and, every five years, people can re-assess... but time is not yet up and much can happen.

Come the next election, quite a few of us will not forget that Sir Keir Starmer did his level best to overthrow the result of the EU referendum – so much for his respect for democracy.

Miss SM Towers 