A JOINT campaign has been launched to inform members of the public about the need to give deer and their young plenty of space when out enjoying the countryside.

People may discover newly-born deer hidden in the grass and might assume that they have been abandoned. The campaign informs people to not disturb them as this is usual practice for deer.

Newly-born deer that are disturbed could be abandoned by their mothers - which will almost certainly result in death for the young deer.

Animal charities say if you are concerned about the wellbeing of any deer, keep your distance and contact a local wildlife rescue organisation.

The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) and the British Deer Society have joined forces to raise awareness.

David Macauley, chief executive officer of the British Deer Society, adds: “Deer are excellent mothers and by far the best suited to rear their own young."

James Sutcliffe, BASC’s deer officer, added: "Disturbance of deer and other breeding animals by dogs is known to cause issues and avoidable stress. Dogs should be kept on leads at all times.”

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