ST GREGORY'S and St Patrick's primary school in Whitehaven, decided to get involved in mental health awareness week by delivering cards to local residents.

The school decided to centre their work around the theme of loneliness, due to the pandemic and lockdowns. The theme has also been included in their religous education curriculum.

The cards were delivered across the local area, including the infant childrens trip to Bethany House carehome. A teacher at the school, Amy McManus said "so many people feel like they dont have people to talk to" which is why she lead efforts to tackle this to mark mental health awareness week.

News and Star: CARD: An example of one of the lovely messagesCARD: An example of one of the lovely messages

During the delivery of the cards, Amy said:

"People were popping their heads out the window and waving to us. One man came over and sang us a song."

Amy mentioned that people were asking the group what this was for and one student had answered “to brighten up your day and make people smile”.

The efforts clearly has been well-received with multiple Facebook posts being over-joyed at the kind gesture and the school has received several phone calls being grateful for their cards.

The school had a non-uniform day to raise money for a friendship bench at the school for the children to sit and have a chat with others. Amy said "the parents have been so generous and we have raised £298.00 for the bench".

She hopes that by involving mental health in the school curriculum, children will be more open to talking about issues throughout their lives.