Carlisle College has announced it will be opening applications for business leaders from a range of industries to join a new panel. 

This will be the college's first Entrepreneurs in Residence panel with the aim of providing expertise and insight in business. Whilst also providing hands on knowledge to staff and students. 

Vicky Stafford, Business Development Manager at Carlisle College said: "We are particularly excited to hear from ex-students or apprentices of Carlisle College, who would like to return and share their story.

"If you have a close association with Carlisle and the surrounding local community, a passion for training and developing future talent, and, of course, have started your own business, we would love to hear from you."

One of the first entrepreneurs to sign up is Carlisle College alumni and chef patron James Hill. James first got into the industry at 14, with his family having a history of owning restaurants and cafes, before studying at Carlisle College.

He is now the owner of Lounge on the Green, Quarter Lounge and OKA in Carlisle. Looking forward to his new role he said: "I’m thrilled to be part of this programme to inspire and help young people to pursue their dreams within the hospitality trade."

Activities may include masterclass talks, Q & A sessions, practical workshops, and mentoring, as well as placement opportunities within their business for both students and staff.

Interested entrepreneurs and business executives can contact Vicky Stafford on or register their interest on