CARLISLE'S spirited street art murals have been nominated in the international Street Art Cities top 100 competition.

Tim Marschang of Street Art Cities said: "Every month we select 100 new murals from across the world and share them in our Instagram stories, and at the end of the year we look at who made it to our top 100 list of the year," he said.

Carlisle has been named twice amongst the top 100 and the competition has been picked up by international media, including an airing on Spanish national TV.

Ben Heslop, from Blank Wall Assassins, the organisation behind the art, brought over the globally renowned street artists last year to cover Carlisle's granite exterior.

"It's about pride of the city and even making the top 100 just shows what we can offer in the way of public art and who we can attract to the city.

"In these increasing times of people feeling the high street is dying and are wanting things to do, it's another chance for people to look at the environment they live in and look at it differently," he said.

Tymon de Laat's designed painting of a girl from Laos is located on the side of the u-Student building on John Street and Australian artist Smug's Belatucadros depiction is situated on top of the old city walls.

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Ben said it's great that Carlisle is being included in a "world-wide scene".

Carlisle's artwork map is available in the Street Art Cities app, so people who are interested can go on a walking tour around the city, exploring the increasing vibrancy and creativity the city has to offer.

"The more its integrated into the buildings that are around, the more people will see that having a vibrant city scape will attract other people into the area and give people a sense of pride in their own area.

"The nice thing about Carlisle, in comparison to other cities, is that we can keep it all in a relatively small place that's accessible for everyone to see," he said.

A Carlisle City Council spokesperson said: "It’s great to see that this has been recognised and that two murals have been nominated in Street Arts Cities top 100.

"Carlisle has a rich culture and street art is emerging as another reason to visit the city to see the dynamic murals,” she said.

You can help push Carlisle's artwork to the world forefront further by going online and registering your vote for the Street Art Cities competition by clicking here.