CUMBRIAN TV star Helen Skelton has announced the name of her new baby.

Helen, who grew up near Carlisle, gave birth to her baby girl on December 28.

Baby Elsie, will be a welcome addition to the family with Leeds Rhino rugby league player Richie Myler as her dad, and big brothers – Ernie, six, and Louis, four.

The little girl outweighed her brothers at birth, at 7lb 8oz- despite being three days before her due date.

Speaking to OK! Magazine, Helen said: "If Elsie is outdoorsy and adventurous, that's great.

"If it turns out she wants to sit inside and do other stuff as she grows up, that's cool too.

"I am a great believer in doing what makes you happy. I was brought up on a farm, and my mum and dad never pushed me into anything, but always instilled in me the belief that if you want to do something then go for it."