FOR some time now councillors of most parties have complained about housing developments in North Carlisle and the shortage of school places.

The original Crindledyke development – a so-called Eco Village – at the time was to include a school.

This has never happened and an explanation of the reasons why not were never fully given.

Perhaps, through the pages of The Cumberland News, a frank and honest reason could be given in layman’s terms to the ratepayers of Carlisle whose interests should be the council’s priority?

I assume there are families on Crindledyke who found the idea of a local school to be really beneficial.

The second phase has now been put forward and still no school. A community centre is planned, plus some retail.

Bearing in mind that expense, a school hall could become a community centre and would also involve all residents of all ages in a care in the community aspect of life which has become most important given recent events.

As for ECO Village, well the pink pigs are flying over. Maybe instead hundreds of children being transported into already overcrowded schools, the ensuing pollution caused, plus extra hours and worry for families when a walk down the road could ensure children’s safety and education.

Dave Williams
Harker Road Ends, Carlisle