In a pre-recorded message to the nation on Sunday, December 12, Boris Johnson announced he would be ramping up the booster vaccine programme.

The deadline for all adults receiving their booster dose was brought forward a month, to December 31. By this date, all adults over 18 will have been offered their booster dose.

Up and down the country adults in the UK will be able to book their booster dose. But how do you get the booster in Cumbria?

The CCG has released updated advice on their website on the Covid booster process.

When can I book my Covid vaccine?

Currently, the National Booking System is open to over 30s (3 months – 91 days - after the second jab).

Your GP Practice may call you in if you are eligible or you can book using the National Booking System.

From Wednesday, December 15 the system will open to all over 18s (3 months - 91 days - after the second jab).

Your GP Practice may call you in or you can book using the National Booking System.

They advise that there will be a surge of people booking and while teams are working as fast as they can, it will take some time to deliver the vaccine to all those that are eligible.

Please bear in mind that there will be a surge in people booking and hoping to get their vaccine quickly. Our teams are working as quickly as they can, but it will take time to deliver the booster to all those becoming eligible.

They advise not to call your GP Practice about the booster – they will not be able to answer your queries and an increase in calls may prevent people with medical concerns from being able to get through.

Booster jab walk-ins in Cumbria

Walk-ins are still available and centres can be found on the national website. However, given the demand for appointments, these centres will prioritise booked slots, so it is advisable to try and book your booster appointment in advance.

The following centres are available in Cumbria:

St Paul’s Church: The walk-in vaccine clinic in Carlisle is in St Paul’s Church. You can attend Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday between the hours of 9am and 5:30pm. This clinic will be vaccinating those aged 12 and over.

The St Paul’s clinic is able to give first, second and booster doses.

Upper Eden Baptist Church: Those aged 12 and over can attend Upper Eden Baptist Church for booster vaccines. Currently this centre is offering all first doses, boosters, second doses of Pfizer and third dose to those with weakened immune systems and a referral letter from their GP.

Open hours vary and can be viewed on the NHS website here.

Ed Tallis, director of primary care for NHS North Cumbria Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), who has overseen the vaccine programme for the area said: “In north Cumbria our vaccine delivery has been brilliant. We have very efficient teams who have worked exceptionally hard over the last year and we have had excellent take up.

News and Star: How to get your Covid booster vaccine in Cumbria (PA)How to get your Covid booster vaccine in Cumbria (PA)

“The ambitious plan to speed up the offer of the booster will depend on everyone working together to support the programme. In particular this means we are asking people to be patient and not to call their GPs about the booster, as they won’t be able answer your queries.”

He added: “It will take time to offer the vaccine to everyone who becomes eligible and we will be working as hard as we can with the resources we have, to vaccinate as many people as quickly as we can.

“We ask that people are patient if they can’t get an appointment as quickly as they would like, and that they show the teams and the volunteers supporting them kindness as we work to ensure the best protection possible for our community.”

For more information on the Covid vaccine, visit the NHS website here. To book your vaccine, visit the National Booking System.