A HOUSEBOUND Carlisle woman who is still waiting for her Covid booster jab weeks after becoming eligible fears the virus would be an "automatic killer" for her.

Judy Symms, of Morton, Carlisle, became eligible for the booster vaccination six weeks ago.

The 69-year-old has multiple sclerosis (MS) and asthma, meaning that she is housebound.

She has phoned her GP several times asking to receive the jab, but has been told that "there is no one available" to come to her house to give it to her.

She is a patient at Eden Medical Group on Port Road, Carlisle.

She said: "I’ve rang every day this week. I was hoping that they would get sick of hearing me on the phone and would get it done just to shut me up."

Several of Judy's neighbours have the virus at the moment.

She is worried about catching it herself.

She said: "I’ve got nobody beside of me. They’re all down at the moment with Covid.

"I want to make sure that I don’t get Covid because it would be an automatic killer with me as I have asthma."

She said that Eden Medical Practice had given her "no idea whatsoever" about when she would receive the vaccine.

She added: "It think it’s disgusting because they keep saying on the TV that a lot of people are not taking up [the booster jabs].

"Here’s me wanting to take it up and I can’t get it."

Carlisle Network Primary Care Network, of which Eden Medical Group are part, said that practices are working hard and will get to all of their eligible housebound patients as quickly as they can.

They added all eligible housebound patients will be contacted by the end of the month.

A spokesperson for Carlisle Network Primary Care Network said: “The rollout of the Covid booster vaccine is still in its early stages and we are all working hard to reach all our eligible patients safely.

“Practices in the Carlisle Network group are working together to ensure their housebound patients get the vaccine. We are currently contacting patients to book visits which will be completed by the end of November.

“We understand patients are keen to get the booster as soon as they are eligible, and we are moving as quickly as we can given the significant demand on our services and the vaccine programme at the moment.”