His character bravely promised to boldly go where no man has gone before.

Whilst his personal journey wasn’t as adventurous, William Shatner still officially became the oldest person to go to space last week. Shatner, who played Captain Kirk in the original Star Trek series, spent 10 minutes on his suborbital flight alongside three others.

To commemorate the 90-year-old flying into orbit, the News & Star asked readers online what their favourite sci-fi movie is.

In no particular order, the top 10 sci-fi movies according to News & Star readers are:

1) Alien: a modern classic, the first movie in Ridley Scott’s series has a 98% score on Rotten Tomatoes. The film follows the Nostromo crew encounter a deadly extra-terrestrial who is set loose on the ship.

2) Predator: A crew, led by Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Dutch, realise they are being hunted by a brutal extra-terrestrial during a mission to rescue a group of politicians in Guatemala.

3) Star Trek: there have been 13 Trek movies released, but many feel that the original trilogy is the best. The second film, The Wrath of Khan, is considered the best of the lot.

4) Star Wars: like Star Trek, most fans prefer the older trilogy to the new additions. The film series now has its own designated area in Walt Disney World in Florida.

5) 2001: A Space Odyssey: widely regarded as one of the greatest films ever made, Stanley Kubrick’s 1968 film, following a trip to Jupiter with supercomputer HAL after the discovery of an alien monolith, is preserved in the National Film Registry.

6) Total Recall: Arnie features again, this time he plays Douglas Quaid, who realises that a recurring dream about Mars has been planted in his head by people who want him dead.

7) Mars Attacks: the wacky Tim Burton film sees Jack Nicholson play the US President who meets a group of martians for a peaceful exchange which badly goes wrong.

8) Galaxy Quest: an underrated classic. The stars of a 1970’s television show are abducted by an alien spacecraft who think that the cast’s adventures are real-life events and force the humans to help overcome an oppressive regime.

9) Blade Runner: Harrison Ford plays Deckard, a special agent who is forced to eliminate a group of violent androids.

10) Terminator 2: Another Schwarzenegger appearance, the Austrian’s T800 is forced to protect a young John Connor from a future robot uprising.