CARLISLE'S most successful women's rugby team have tackled a new challenge which they hope will give the club a boost.

Carlisle Cougar ladies' team have stripped off to help the club and give themselves a pat on the back.

Now in its 26th year, Carlisle Cougars — the women’s team at Carlisle Rugby — are a force to be reckoned with, coming second in their league (the Women’s National Challenge 1 North East) for the past two seasons.

Hannah Farrel, the driving force behind the calender, holds the position of vice-captain in the team.

She said: “There is no typical member of the women’s team.

"I’m a Brampton dairy farmer, playing alongside women aged 18 to 40+; we have students, mums — our captain, Hayley Thompson, is a mum-of-three — police, firefighters, shift workers.

"Some have been in the team 10 to 15 years, others join in when they’re in the area. The girls’ team starts training at 11 and they can join the senior team at 18.

“One of the main reasons we took the plunge with the calendar was to share the amazing empowering experience playing on a women’s sports team can be with as many women as possible.”

“We’d been thinking of it for so long, it had become a bit of a running joke.”

They hope to raise the profile of the club and also raise funds, specifically for the women’s team.

As with men's sporting teams, the calendar is a symbol of closing the gap in equality.

Hannah said: “We think nothing of all changing together, every week, but there were real butterflies to begin with!

“But things just started flowing naturally — as did the prosecco for Dutch courage!”

Carlisle Cougars women’s team meet for practice every Wednesday at Carlisle Rugby Club, Warwick Road, Carlisle CA1 1LW.

For inquiries, contact Sam Meakin on 07810331800.

There are 14 individual photographs adorn the calendar, one for each month through 2022, plus front and back covers, each one sponsored by a local business.

Copies cost £10 and will be available from the club and online at