AN APPLICATION has been submitted to make changes to a cottage in Cockermouth which forms part of a collection of historic buildings.

Red Raven Design Limited has submitted an application for planning approval to Allerdale borough Council on behalf of Mr and Mrs Hardy.

The owners of Beckside Cottage on Skinner Street are proposing the demolition of its existing lean-to and the building of a two storey side extension, including over cladding main elevation.

Beckside Cottage is a detached dwelling in the Cockermouth Conservation area.

The cottage has undergone a significant amount of alterations in the past with the introduction of a large overhang to the eaves and full re-rendering. The applicant said that inappropriate materials were used for this process in the past. The application states that “only a modest alternation to the internal layout is proposed”.

Beckside Cottage is part of a collection of residential and utility buildings of the Georgian, Victorian era and possibly earlier.

Access to the site will remain as is. A flood risk report was produced as part of the application process.

It found that the property is within three metres of a designated river but is not within a flood risk zone.

The report found: "The proposal will not increase or alter flood risk to any adjacent or neighbouring property."

And "the proposal will not be subject to any increased flood risk."

The public can comment on planning applications submitted to Allerdale Borough Council via their planning portal.