Anti-vaccination protesters marched through Carlisle city centre today, demanding an end to 'jabs for children'. 

Supervised by a small number of uniformed police officers, a group of around 200 activists joined the noisy but peaceful demonstration, many carrying placards objecting to the idea of children having any kind of covid vaccination.

The group included parents with their children.

Among the protesters in West Tower Street was Pamela Stott, from Newcastle, who said that she simply did not trust media coverage about opposition to wholesale vaccinations.

According to Public Health England, around 60,000 lives have been saved in the UK and 22 million Covid-19 infections prevented by coronavirus vaccines.

The jabs have also prevented more than 52,600 hospital admissions, according to recent data suggests.

Today's protest also included some people who oppose the move towards compelling care home workers to be vaccinated.

It was reported last month that more than a quarter of UK care home staff do not believe coronavirus vaccines should be mandatory for them to go to work.

But almost 70% of 4,000 care home workers who took part in a survey supported the Government’s edict that all staff in registered care homes in England must be vaccinated if they are to continue working - unless they are medically exempt.