THE PUBLIC are being urged to take part in the first Carlisle Parkrun since the outbreak of Covid-19, which takes place this weekend.

Carlisle City Council has welcomed the return of Carlisle Parkrun on Saturday July 31.

They hailed the event an ideal opportunity to get active, particularly after restrictions were lifted. The 5km course has previously attracted hundreds of participants each week to Chances Park.

Co-event organiser Lindsay Graham said: “It’s been well over 15 months, March 14 was our last Parkrun in Carlisle.

“Considering we’ve been going seven years it’s been a big miss to the community.”

But the Parkrun community has stuck together during the restrictions.

“What we’ve doing during lockdown, myself and co-director Matt Charlton took it in turns to go live on our Facebook pages we did mini competitions and check-ins to see how everyone was feeling.”

Parkruns around the country were able to return last weekend but the majority of volunteers were competing, or supporting competitors at the Montane Lakeland 50 and 100.

“We’re a bit late but we’re worth the wait” said Lindsay.

“It will be a bit different we’re being a bit stricter at the start line, faster runners go first.”

Councillor Stephen Higgs, Portfolio Holder for Culture, Heritage & Leisure said: “We are delighted to see the return of Parkrun in Carlisle.

“These popular events are incredibly valuable for many people in supporting both their physical and mental health and wellbeing. We’re thankful to Carlisle Parkrun and colleagues for their patience and hard work in supporting the safe return of these events. Please come along and join in, whatever your pace.”

Anyone looking to take part in their first Parkrun or return after a break away can attend at Wigton Road, Carlisle at 9am on Saturday. It’s free to take part but those who want to join in are asked to register before your first run. You only need to register once. To register visit: