Giving back to the community was the aim of one west Cumbrian school, whose pupils got together once again for their annual art event.

Pupils at St Patrick's Catholic Primary School in Cleator Moor have been preparing and displaying their art work across the town as part of this years Arts Week.

This year, the theme was Our Natural World.

St Patrick's Head Teacher, Gayle Wilkinson, said: "It's integral [to get kids involved with projects that focus on the environment]. They need to have that awareness of how to take care of the world and the environment that they're in."

The Arts Week took place between June 7 and 11, but the pupils' art work was installed the week after at locations like Cleator Moor square and Longlands Lake.

Year six students were lucky enough to have an oil painting session with local artist, Paul Summerfield.

The installation at Longlands Lake, which was facilitated by West Cumbria Rivers Trust, included felt work, dream catchers and wind chimes made out of shells.

Ms Wilkinson said she is incredibly proud of the effort put in by pupils and staff.

She added: "We've got some really talented artists at school, so it's really wonderful to be able to showcase those talents, not just to parents, but to everybody in the wider community so they can see what our children are capable of.

"It was a really good team effort all around.

As well as focusing their Arts Week on the environment, the St Patrick's is working towards being an eco school.

Equally important to raising the children's awareness on the environment over the past couple of weeks was giving back to the community through art

Ms Wilkinson said: "Due to the unsettling time everyone has had due to Covid, we thought we would give a bit back to the community.

"We thought that whatever art work we did, our vision was to install it around that."