Scientists have revealed that simply playing the right music could attract bees to your garden this summer, as studies show bee population could be completed depleted by the year 2138.

As temperatures continue to rise in the UK, scientists from Bug Life have partnered with outdoor specialists Topps Tiles to reveal the songs that will attract bees - and their pollinating nature - to your garden.

Bees emit their buzzing sound at specific frequency to attract other bees to pollen - scientists have been able to find songs with the same frequency and suggest that playing them in your garden this summer could attract bees in the same way their buzz does.

Once together, bees are more likely to pollinate and also to meet and reproduce, meaning simply playing the right songs at your summer barbecue could be a step to saving the bee population for everyone.

Some of the most bee friendly songs include Treasure by Bruno Mars, Under Pressure by David Bowie, and Feel Good Inc. by Gorillaz.

Not only do bees sound like summer, they also bring seeds to gardens that encourage the growth of beautiful wild flowers and can bring out even more colour and beauty in gardens across the UK - ideal as we continue to enjoy lockdown relaxations and spending more time outdoors with friends and family.

The number of bees present in the UK has been declining since the 1980s and the rate of decline has increased significantly since 2008 - with predictions suggesting they could be gone completely from our gardens by 2138.