A PROJECT has worked to keep the music playing in Cumbrian homes throughout the Covid-19 lockdown.

Cumbria Music Hub is a partnership that brings the county’s organisations together to deliver the best musical education possible for young people.

The Big Sing Trilogy is the latest initiative from the hub, aimed at encouraging resilience and tackling concerns about mental health and wellbeing during lockdown.

The first in a series of videos under the project was launched earlier this month, It’s OK (please just say) featured children from across Cumbria who filmed their life in lockdown and sang along to lyrics about speaking out if you are struggling.

Cumbria Music Hub’s next video is Wish from Sing Up (lyrics by Bex Mathers & Simon Derbyshire) which focusses on the aspirations of children, families and teachers who are looking ahead to next term.

They believe making music is beneficial to wellbeing: “Singing is one of the most positive forms of human activity, supporting both physical and mental health. Our voice reflects our mood and general wellbeing.”

A spokesperson for the project said: “The music hub are looking for children and families to get involved by making their own music videos and submitting them to be part of the final film. There are many ways to take part, such as singing, playing instrumental parts, adding percussion (body percussion), and even creating and singing a rap to this piece.”

Cumbria Music Hub is keen for schools and families to post photos of class music lessons as well as posters illustrating their wishes for the upcoming term so that they can be posted on social media.

Submissions to the Big Sing Trilogy project should be sent in by April 30 2021.

Upload your contribution at: www.cumbriamusichub.com