Requests have been made to extend the life of two Cumbrian wind farms.

Allerdale Council are currently considering requests to extend the operational lifespan of Siddick Wind Farm in Siddick, and Oldside Wind Farm in Oldside.

Both wind farms are owned by Curlew Power Limited.

Siddick Wind Farm is made up of seven turbines, while Oldside Wind Farm is made up of nine.

The applications, which have been submitted separately, request approval for the extension of the turbines' lifespan by an additional 10 years.

If approved, this would result in Siddick Wind Farm having permission to operate until the end of December 2031, and give Oldside Wind Farm permission to operate until the end of September 2031.

The planning applications to extend both lifespans do not require a change in the physical appearance of the turbines, or any changes to the site arrangements or wind farm operations.