ROB Graham and Gary Slade have gone all over the world with their Laurel and Hardy look-alike act.

In their act, Rob (who portrays Oliver Hardy) and Gary (Stan Laurel) perform magic tricks all while staying in character as the iconic comedy duo.

But despite their globe-trotting antics, they love to perform in Cumbria, thanks to Stan Laurel’s links to Ulverston, and they even opened the Laurel and Hardy museum.

Plus, you may have even seen them enterain crowds at the Ulverston festival, where they venture as often as they can.

News and Star: The pair perform magic acts (Photo: Facebook/@LaurelHardyLookalikesMagicians)The pair perform magic acts (Photo: Facebook/@LaurelHardyLookalikesMagicians)

In order to learn their mannerisms and way of speaking, the pair are always watching Stan and Ollie videos and even listening to them in the car on the way to gigs.

Rob is so dedicated to the role of Ollie that he has grown his own toothbrush moustache.

He said: “It gets me into trouble sometimes when I’m out of costumes- but I don’t like the stick on ones- I just don’t think they look authentic.

“However, the moustaches has also gotten me quite a few jobs as it sparks a conversation with the people around me.”

While Rob has to alter his appearance to look more like Ollie, this isn’t an issue for Gary.

Rob said: “At school, people used to say Gary looked like Laurel- people shout 'Stan Laurel' at him from car windows.

“Even out of character he really does look and act like him.”

In costume, Rob said the pair of them receive the celebrity treatment.

He said: “When you go out in public you get treated like a celebrity- people will offer us free meals and drinks.

“However, the benefit of being a look-alike is that we get out own private life out of costume”

News and Star: The pair travel all around the world with their act (Photo: Facebook/ @LaurelHardyLookalikesMagicians)The pair travel all around the world with their act (Photo: Facebook/ @LaurelHardyLookalikesMagicians)

Throughout their career, the duo have met the likes of Ken Dodd (comedian) and even went on a show hosted by Ricky Tomlinson (The Royal Family actor).

Rob said: “We went on stage with everyone who have had heart bypass surgery.

“Obviously me and Gary haven't had a heart bypass- but our acts have been dead for over 40 years so it still worked,” he joked.

One of Rob’s favourite jobs was working on a cruise ship to Tenerife.

He said: “We would walk around the deck performing magic tricks and keeping the guests entertained all day.

“We were lucky as we had the benefit of the good weather and doing a job we both loved.”

News and Star: The duo have attended many events (Photo: Facebook/ @LaurelHardyLookalikesMagicians)The duo have attended many events (Photo: Facebook/ @LaurelHardyLookalikesMagicians)

Rob said his family are supportive of his unusual career path- but they don’t want to see any more magic tricks.

Rob said: “Whenever we try a new trick for a venue we always practice on family and friends.

“My friends still love then- but my wife and kids have seen enough magic to last a lifetime now.”

While he is trained as an electrical engineer, he hasn’t done work in this field for over 15 years and loves the life his look-alike career has given him.

He said: “I don’t feel like I’m going out to work anymore- I feel like I’m going out and having a great time while still keeping a roof over my head.

“You’re basically cheering people up for a living.”

You can find Rob and Gary at