A DAD is to run the length of Hadrian’s Wall in less than 24 hours to raise money and awareness for a condition his daughter has.

Ian Spriggs, 53, who lives in Brampton, completed 13,100 lengths of his car park in April, but now is now setting his heights even higher.

He has been taking part in various running events for the last six years, all with the aim of raising money and awareness for PKU – a condition his daughter Molly lives with.

The condition prevents the person from eating high-protein foods such as cheese, meat, poultry and eggs.

In the UK, the only way of managing the condition is a low-protein diet, which means the sufferer has to supplement their diet with artificial protein.

The National Society for Phenylketonuria (NSPKU) supports those with PKU and their families and has long campaigned for a drug called Kuvan to be made available on the NHS.

So far the NHS has refused to fund the drug for cost reasons. However, the European patent for the drug runs out in December, meaning other companies will be able to contest to produce the drug.

Ian hopes that if the drug is made available at a cheaper price than it is currently, then the NHS will agree to fund it.

On Saturday he will embark on the 84-mile path, starting in Wallsend in Newcastle and finishing in Bowness-on-Solway.

He will set off at 6.30pm on Saturday on his latest challenge and he aims to complete it in less than 24 hours, with an aspiration to finish it in under 20 hours.

It will be the second longest distance he has ever attempted.

“Normally when I take part in this kind of run I have a structured plan and would have done a 50-mile event a few weeks ago as part of the training,” said Ian.

“If this was an event happening on Saturday I would think twice about doing it, as I’ve not properly trained.

“You know at an organised event that you will see another runner. I am not going to see anybody on this run from point A to point B, which makes it more nerve-wracking.

“The route should be very achievable, I’m not running round the lakes or anything, but it is a very boring run.

“Another challenge will be when I get to Lanercost, as I am only two miles from home. Do I want to stop at that point? That will be a mental barrier for me.”

Ian says the challenge has always been in the back of his mind since he moved to Cumbria from Berkshire.

“I have always thought it would be nice to run from one side of the country to the other,” he explained.

To donate, go to www.justgiving.com/fundraising/ian-spriggs3.