YOUNG farmers in Cumbria have been rising to the challenge of taking their competitions online since the introduction of the coronavirus lockdown.

Farmer is featuring a selection of winning photographs in the YFC Springtime Photo Competition, which saw members from Drigg, Egremont and Lamplugh take part.

Judges, Northern District President, Richard Gardiner and Vice President, Gill Winspear had a tough time judging with standard of entries high. Placings as follows: Juniors: 1, Patrick Cullian, Lamplugh; 2, Ben Fisher, Lamplugh; 3,Sam Pratt, Drigg. Inters: 1, Sophie Barnes, Lamplugh; 2, Lettie Wareing, Drigg; 3, Maisie Naylor, Drigg.

Young farmers also staged a limerick competition, which started with ‘There was a young farmer in lockdown’. Winners were: 1, Emma Sisson, 25, Kirklinton; Kirsty Allan, 27, Pennine; Jade Haughan, 22, Wigton.

Emma’s limerick read: ‘There was a young farmer in lockdown, Whose tractor suddenly broke down, He jumped off in a hurry, And slipped in some slurry, His boiler suit is now very brown!’ Kirsty’s ‘There was a Young Farmer in lockdown,Who people thought was a bit of a clown! He said “this is queer,Corona’s a beer!Is someone just mucking around?!’