AN ANIMAL charity has warned that our pets might start to feel separation anxiety as the lockdown eases and people return to work.

Oak Tree Animals’ Charity is offering advice to pet-owners who are concerned their pet may be suffering from the condition.

Symptoms in dogs can differ but some of the common ones include barking and whining more often, being destructive, and urinating in the house.

Becky Lowis-Eden, community department supervisor at Oak Tree, said: “Separation anxiety can be caused by a number of factors – in this case, it is likely due to the immediate change to routine.

“Some pets may have been by their owner’s side more than normal over the last few months but now lockdown restrictions are easing, the attention they have become accustomed to will reduce considerably once the household returns to work.”

There are a number of resources already out there on the internet to ease your pet back into being left alone.

To get advice on supporting an anxious pet, contact Oak Tree Animals’ Charity on 01228 56008.