Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Falling prey to pessimistic thinking will drive opportunity from your door. Just because you have recently experienced a string of disappointments doesn’t mean your bad luck will continue. Remember that difficulties always precede boom times. Model your behaviour after an optimist you’ve always admired. Someone will ask for your opinion. Although you don’t want to hurt their feelings, you simply can’t praise their inferior work. Give an honest assessment of the project and then offer some constructive criticism. It’s the best you can do in this challenging circumstance.

Taurus (Apr21/May21) A friend, group or organisation will give you bad advice. Their motives are pure but their assessments are poor. Listen to your instincts, especially about a spiritual matter. Turning down a job that bothers your conscience is the best course of action. Trying to fill an emotional void with luxury goods is an exercise in futility. The contentment you seek comes from exercising your creative talent. Stop insisting it’s frivolous to paint, write or play music. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Gemini (May22/Jun21) An unrealistic attitude about professional opportunities is holding you back. If you lack critical experience or training, it’s time to fill the gaps of your knowledge. Working with a seasoned teacher will be challenging. Put personal pursuits on the back burner while you study. You don’t want your instructor to think you’re frivolous. By doing all your assignments on time, you’ll earn top marks. Best of all, you’ll receive a glowing recommendation for a promotion. It’s time to show the world you’re capable of focus and diligence.

Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Beware of putting your faith in a celebrity guru. Although this superstar seems to have all the answers, they have an army of assistants that make them look great. Deep down, they’re just as insecure as you are. Look within for the answers you seek. If you’ve been hiding a vice, it’s time to reveal this weakness. Someone will come forward and give you help with this issue. Be open to rehabilitation or undergoing some counselling. Leaving this bad habit behind will be liberating.

Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Rushing into a new physical relationship should be temporarily put on hold. If you’ve developed a crush on someone, concentrate on getting to know each other before becoming intimate. Your ideal partner won’t feel threatened by your natural star power. Steer clear of insecure types. If you’re already in a close relationship, try not to feel threatened by your amour’s dreams. Your relationship will grow much stronger when you support their desire to write a book, become a teacher or record a podcast.

Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Nobody can make you happy. If you’re single, stop waiting for someone to rescue you from boredom. You possess everything necessary to cultivate your dream life. By pursuing your desires, you’ll become a love magnet. Your future amour will enhance your pleasure, not cause it. Resist the urge to use your professional position for personal gain. Pay full price instead of asking for a discount, even if you do give a vendor lots of business. You don’t want anyone to question your ethics.

Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Are you unemployed? Rather than trying to get a job in a single industry, it would be wise to broaden your search. A position at a charitable organisation, religious institution or hospital might be tailor-made for you. Use your interpersonal skills to comfort others. Don’t let your personal beliefs interfere with your social relationships. You can be friends with someone with different values. Rather than trying to convert them, seek common ground. You’re both very artistic and appreciate each other’s unique talents.

Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You feel lonely and isolated. It seems like nobody appreciates your dark sense of humour. Instead of trying to make others understand you, continue to march to the beat of your own drum. By remaining true to yourself, you’ll attract a fellow nonconformist. Beware of getting tempted into a physical encounter. It’s easy to forget your responsibilities when feeling enchanted. Have fun but take precautions to protect your health. Foresight is half the battle.

Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Family responsibilities are weighing heavily on your shoulders. Stop feeling guilty about having one pair of hands. If you can’t handle all the work you’ve been given, get some professional assistance. A government agency, religious organisation or cultural institution can lend assistance. Beware of neglecting your best friend or romantic partner. Although you face a lot of problems, they have their own struggles. Take time to enquire after their health and well-being. A show of concern will strengthen your bond.

Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Practicality is usually your strong suit, but that’s not the case now. It’s hard for you to set your priorities, simply because you can’t decide what’s important. Rather than pushing yourself to produce results, take time to reflect on what you want. Try not to drown your feelings with a food binge. By sticking to a diet that is mainly comprised of fresh produce, whole grains and lean protein, you’ll have enough energy to accomplish everything on your ‘To Do’ list.

Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Be responsible with finances. If you don’t make enough money to buy the luxuries you desire, look for a more lucrative line of work when the world opens back up. Alternatively, you could sell handcrafted products for a big profit. People are willing to pay good money for unique items. Trying to buy into someone’s affections is a bad move and will be cause for regret. You don’t want to be liked or loved for the gifts you give.

Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) It’s possible you are daydreaming to postpone an important decision. Stop putting off the inevitable. When in doubt, you can always flip a coin. Few choices are irreversible. Your intuition is pushing you to take the unconventional route. Listen and obey. You have no other choice than to avoid public life. Staying home you could cross paths on a forum with a generous person who admires your creative ability. Accept this benefactor’s offer to promote your work.