Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Your energy is too intense for some people’s taste. It’s possible they feel intimidated, even threatened, by your dynamism, fearing that you will step into their shoes. Flying beneath their radar is a good strategy. You don’t want to lose your job because of jealousy. Devoting more time to your favourite hobby will be a welcome diversion. If you’ve always wanted to learn how to paint, sculpt or make clothes, now is the time to do so. You will have great communication with your teacher and peers.

Taurus (Apr21/May21) Avoiding the spotlight is a good move. Your willingness to attend to thankless jobs will earn the admiration of your boss and colleagues. Don’t be surprised if you are offered an exciting position as their assistant. You’ll acquire lots of valuable skills as a result. Having an accomplished employer will teach you important lessons about success. It will soon become obvious that anyone who brags about their abilities is desperately insecure. Truly gifted people let their work speak for itself.

Gemini (May22/Jun21) You’re very sensitive now. That’s why it’s important to associate with positive people. Dealing with optimists makes it easy to see the golden opportunities available to you. These friends will make it easy to find a great job, helpful medical practitioner or talented stylist. It’s time to turn away a needy person who is always asking for loans and favours. Continually meeting their needs is making them reliant. You shouldn’t have the responsibility for supporting this individual. Tell them to help themselves.

Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) After dreaming about your ideal career, you finally have a chance to turn this fantasy into reality. Apply for a position in your desired industry. If your courage falters, recite positive affirmations in the mirror. Ask a loving relative for moral support. Be aware that your best friend or romantic partner feels threatened by your plans. Instead of getting encouragement from them, you’ll only hear dire warnings. Don’t let your other half drag you down. You are destined for professional success.

Leo (Jul24/Aug23) When faced with difficult choices, it’s important to obey your conscience. If this means turning down a job or suitor, so be it. The last thing you want is to get involved with an unscrupulous company or rude romantic partner. Disabuse yourself of the notion that you must work hard to make a lot of money. The reverse is true. When you do what you love, money will flow into your bank account like a mighty river. Someone with your creative talent could easily become a successful artist.

Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Big changes are on the horizon. It’s up to you whether they will work to your advantage or not. Clinging stubbornly to an old routine will make the changes ahead uncomfortable. Treating these transitions as golden opportunities will help you reach new heights. A romantic partner or child will complain about the upheaval. Don’t let their resentment deter you from your path. After seeing how much better life becomes because of your courageous choices, their anger will change to joy.

Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Getting attention has never been a problem for you. Thanks to your grace, good looks and sharp intellect, people are naturally drawn to you. Use your charisma to attract educational opportunities. Studying with a respected artist will be a strong possibility. A narrow minded relative will warn you against doing something new. Ignore their gloomy forecasts. You’re smart enough to know that you make your own luck. When you’re upbeat and excited, good fortune flows easily to you. Pessimism, on the other hand, deflects success.

Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Keeping busy can either lift your spirits or drain your energy. It depends on the work you perform. Rather than assuming a dreaded chore, do something you truly enjoy. Volunteering at an animal shelter, clearing out your closet or preparing a meal are good options. Negative feedback has come from a jealous rival. Don’t take their remarks to heart. There’s no reason to feel guilty about pursuing your heart’s desire. Anyone who resents your success is misguided. They could have the same success if they followed your brave example.

Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Are you restless? The temptation to spread your wings and fly is strong. Although funds are short, that isn’t a good reason to abandon a bold plan. You enrol in university or write a book if you want. Ask your best friend, romantic partner or someone you work with for help. They’ll find a way to finance your dream. Everyone is eager to help you, since you’ve always been generous with resources, praise and practical support. Prepare to receive what you’ve always given.

Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Instead of making a big production about how hard you work, take it easy. The less you complain, the more confidence people will have in your leadership. When a promotion begins to look likely, you’ll be the natural choice for this position. Resist the temptation to assume more responsibility. Enjoy some retail therapy instead. You’ll find some beautiful items that draw attention to your most attractive features. Spend a little more than usual; you’ve earned a handsome reward for your diligence.

Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Your love life is sizzling with excitement. Pour your energy into romantic pursuits you can create at home. Make a special dinner, put on soft music and dim the lights, enjoying a night out in the comfort of your abode is suited to their tastes. Are you single? Join an online dating app. When you cross paths with someone attractive, don’t hide your feelings. Introduce yourself. After some stimulating chitchat about your favourite writers and hobbies, the object of your affection will be eager to meet in the near future.

Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Do you long for a raise? If you’re going to increase your income, you must expand your skill set. Taking an advanced course requires time, money and dedication. Pace yourself for a marathon instead of a sprint. Don’t worry; you’ll cross the finish line. Friends may discourage you from pursuing a higher income. They’re worried you’ll forget them once you earn more money. Nothing could be further from the truth. Continue to go after your dream; you’re worth your weight in gold.