Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Money won’t buy the happiness you seek. Rather than pursuing more wealth, focus on enjoying the things you currently possess. Take a few moments to appreciate your favourite coffee cup, sweater or smartphone. This attitude of gratitude will ease your restless spirit. Unforeseen circumstances about your job will throw you off balance. It’s important to remember that your financial security isn’t dependent on your job. It rests with your ability to recognise moneymaking opportunities at every turn. Be open to taking a position in hi-tech field.

Taurus (Apr21/May21) You’re not sure what you want to do. Don’t beat yourself up for being unmotivated. When inspiration is absent, be still. Take a nap. Enjoy restful activities. The moment you stop striving for an answer, a wonderful idea will occur to you. Marching to the beat of your own drum can feel alienating. Instead of yearning for company, take pleasure in solitude. Being on your own is empowering. It allows you to clearly understand your hopes, dreams and fears.

Gemini (May22/Jun21) Keeping your emotions bottled up will have a negative impact on your health. Find a healthy outlet for your feelings. Talking to a counsellor, putting your thoughts into words or taking brisk exercise will be therapeutic. Feeling good should be your priority. Cabin fever could be setting in. Perhaps it’s time to shop for the essentials. A tremendous spiritual breakthrough will occur while you go to the shop.

Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Friends don’t share your enthusiasm for a subject or activity. That’s all right. Allow yourself to be pulled in a different direction. Your relationships with old friends will survive while you learn how to paint, act, sing or play an instrument. Someone who is threatened by your favourite hobby will act out. Instead of getting drawn into a bitter argument, practice compassion. Cook your household a delicious meal. Their bitterness will turn to acceptance.

Leo (Jul24/Aug23) A desire for professional achievement is consuming you. If you’re going to be successful, you must be kinder to yourself. Instead of beating yourself up for failing to reach a goal, give yourself credit for coming this far. Appreciate the person you currently are. Taking authoritative action sets you apart from the crowd. Most people would rather be comfortable than take risks. You’re wired differently. Embrace your ambition; it will take you to some exciting places. Allow yourself to be inspired, rather than motivated.

Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Trying to give someone advice will cause resentment. You’re dealing with a person who is intent on making their own mistakes. Get out of their way and let them gain valuable experience. You’ll be surprised how well they deal with challenges and setbacks. Your employer had asked you to go on a long-distance business trip where you would have missed some personal commitments. As things are, neither will take place.

Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Arguments about a group fund will erupt. You hate quarrelling over money. If you don’t demand your fair share, you will be cheated. It’s time to push past your discomfort and make some demands. This windfall will allow you to realise a cherished dream. Your romantic partner’s erratic behaviour makes you concerned. You’re not sure what you can do to ease their fears. Rather than trying to rescue them, attend to your own needs. Find new ways to feel secure, loved and happy.

Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Being reliant on a partner is threatening the health of your relationship. The time has come to acquire essential life skills that will make you more independent. You should plan to learn how to drive, acquire marketable skills or master a foreign language. If a contract is suddenly broken, don’t panic. There will be tremendous benefits to this situation if you are alert to them. You’re much more resourceful than you realise. Going solo will be empowering, not debilitating.

Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Has your workload drained you of energy? Take a break. Others may be urging you to race towards the finish line. Ignore their frenzied messages and turn your attention inward. You’ll be much more productive after taking a nap or going for your allowed walk. Your routine is undergoing some radical changes. Rather than fighting this trend, lean into it. Having an unconventional schedule will be stimulating. You’ll have better access soon. There’s a silver lining to every cloud.

Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) This is a bad time to take financial and emotional risks. Stick to what is familiar. Don’t worry; you will have an opportunity to expand your horizons later. Right now, you should focus on maintaining the status quo. It’s boring but stabilising. A romantic relationship isn’t living up to your expectations. Resist the temptation to put the blame on your partner. Your bond will become more rewarding when you are true to your own desires. Make more time for the activities you love.

Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Worrying what your family will think is a losing proposition. If you’re going to be happy, you must have the courage of your convictions. Live the way you want. Make choices that fill you with joy. Don’t feel pressured to pursue an unwanted career. Living on your own is critical to your happiness. If this means getting a good job that allows you to pay your own rent, so be it. As soon as you can, do whatever is necessary to break free of restrictive bonds.

Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Stop overanalysing a problem. A solution to this dilemma will occur when you cease putting emphasis on it. Find an engrossing project that will distract you from this issue. Alphabetising your books, sorting out your files or organising your art supplies will be diverting. A short trip has obviously been cancelled. This is a blessing in disguise. You must stay home, so have fun with it. Maintaining an upbeat attitude will result in an extraordinarily lucky break.