Two prolific fundraisers have presented another staggering amount to charity after dedicating a year to support them.

Mother and daughter duo June Means, 83 and Jane Forster, 63, both from Brampton, have spent the last 30 years dedicated to raising money for charity.

Last year the pair held a number of different charity events including a craft fair at Eden golf club where they raised a vast amount of money.

The pair chose The British Heart Foundation to be the lucky charity and handed over a cheque for £5,200 after the year of fundraising.

The charity funds research into heart and circulatory diseases and their risk factors they aim to spend about £100 million a year to fund scientists across the UK to try and combat heart-related illnesses.

Passionate about giving to charity, June Means said: "It's a great feeling doing what we do, I really enjoy helping. "When my dad became ill many years ago it prompted me to help others and have done it ever since.

Retired postal worker Jane said: "We would like to thank everyone for the help and the donations, the craft fair was a great success.

"We enjoy what we do and plan to do more."

Over the years the women have raised money for charities such as the Great North Air Ambulance and for Guide dogs and they plan to keep going for many more years.

Receiving the cheque was Sarah Workman on behalf of BHF she said: "I don't know where they get the energy, it's wonderful to get such a generous amount and we can make a huge difference with this kind of donation."