Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You’re open to new experiences. Let a friend introduce you to a cuisine, sport or hobby. You’ll take to this experience like a duck to water. People admire your open mind and often seek your company when embarking on adventures. They know you won’t complain. Your mind’s capacity for powerful focus makes this a good time to master a complicated skill. Be open to studying with an offbeat teacher. Although their methods will seem strange at first, you’ll soon find them very effective.

Taurus (Apr21/May21) You want to acquire specialised knowledge to improve your career prospects. Learning cutting edge techniques will serve you well. Take this opportunity to enrol in an advanced course. You’ll have to work hard to master complicated tasks. Be patient about absorbing information. A fabulous career opportunity is on the way. The secret to your success is a willingness to try new things. Rather than copy a tired formula, you will develop innovative products and services that the public adores.

Gemini (May22/Jun21) Travelling is a great source of joy for you. Seeing the world stimulates your intellect. It makes you question your attitude and inspires you to cultivate a more rewarding lifestyle. Learning a foreign language will help you land an overseas job. Someone will ask you to tutor them. Sharing your expert knowledge with this eager student will be rewarding. These study sessions will be so inspiring that you will begin work on a book. You’ll soon gain a respected name in this field. Get ready for your close up.

Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Are you determined to increase your income? Formulate a strategy now. Instead of obeying conventional wisdom, follow your instincts. Setting yourself apart from other candidates will make you a hot commodity on the job market. Voice unusual opinions during interviews. The fastest way to your partner’s heart is through their brain. If you want to add some spice to your sensual life, spend more quality time together. Enquire after your amour’s hopes, dreams and fears. This will pave the way to passion.

Leo (Jul24/Aug23) This is a good time to sign a contract or form a partnership. Working with someone whose background is different from yours will be productive. While you develop relationships with clients, patrons or patients, your other half will operate from behind the scenes. Your best friend or romantic partner will get very good news. Go out and celebrate their good fortune. You’ll indirectly benefit from this salary increase or promotion. Show your appreciation when your other half gives you a lavish gift. You deserve it.

Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) You’re methodical about work. Instead of plunging right into a task, you spend a few moments formulating a game plan. After making a list of necessary supplies and setting deadlines for every phase of the work, you’ll pave the way to success. After undergoing a medical consultation, you will be advised to make some changes to your daily routine. Follow this recommendation to the letter. You will feel so much better after altering your diet or exercise regime.

Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Your imagination is on fire. Put mundane chores on the back burner while you paint, write or play music. When you don’t have an outlet for your imagination, you become miserable. It’s much better for you to regularly practice your art. An intense flirtation makes your confidence soar. It feels wonderful to be admired by someone who is smart, innovative and humorous. Don’t rush into a serious relationship. Let the courtship phase play out as long as possible.

Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) This is a great time to add valuable items to a collection. After an extensive Internet search, you’ll discover some rare collectibles at reasonable prices. Snap up these purchases as soon as possible; they won’t be on the market for long. Starting a home-based business is a strong possibility. Although you enjoy the social aspect of work, you dislike a long commute. Operating from your own space will save valuable time and aggravation. You’ll also welcome the opportunity to decorate your office any way you like.

Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Taking a short distance trip will be a welcome change. You hate doing the same thing every day; routines make you restless. Visiting a friend who lives in another city will lift your spirits. Ask your loved one to take you on a tour. This is a good time to catch up on your correspondence. Returning texts and voicemails will be time consuming but worthwhile. You’ll get some great news from a neighbour. A building in your neighbourhood is being sold. Make an offer.

Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) A business opportunity that involves art, music or entertainment is worth pursuing. You’ve always had a deep appreciation for creative people. Knowing how to motivate them will yield impressive results. It will also generate big profits. Obey your intuition instead of conventional wisdom. When you have a choice between taking an assignment for money and doing work you enjoy, choose the latter. One enjoyable assignment will lead to another, until you will have cultivated your dream career.

Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) A public presentation will be successful. People are receptive to your bold vision. Proposing a new product or service will attract investors from every corner. Your employer will be so pleased with the results that they’ll give you a big raise. Your excellent communication skills serve you well. If you’ve been embroiled in a long negotiation, you will make progress now. Appealing to a prospective client’s vanity will be very effective. You’ll know just what to say to break down their defences and win their trust.

Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) You’re very sensitive to your environment. When things are going well, your spirits soar. If a situation feels toxic, your heart sinks. Learning to maintain an upbeat attitude, regardless of your circumstances, will be empowering. Look within for the happiness you seek. Don’t feel pressured into making a choice. You don’t have enough reliable information to make an informed decision. When in doubt, trust your intuition. It always leads you down the best path. Practical people will be dismayed by your selection. Ignore their objections.