A teacher in Brampton is one of three teachers to be named as a champion by a national charity.

Katy Walker, from Brampton Primary School, has been awarded the title of financial champion for her work in teaching children about money.

The title comes from Young Enterprise as part of the Young Money programme.

Katy said: “While feeling delighted by my personal achievement of this award, I am also proud of the commitment of all staff at Brampton Primary School who are all raising the attainment of the financial capabilities of children in our school.”

Her work as a financial educator extends well beyond her own school and students - she has worked with other schools in the area and Student Direct teachers to promote financial education.

So, Katy was asked to apply to be a financial champion in May by Young Money.

She added: “At Brampton we do lots of things to promote financial education including the use of stories to help develop the children’s thoughts on money, circle time activities distinguishing the difference between needs and wants and using special weeks to promote children’s understanding of financial matters including money week, enterprise week and careers week.”

The school has been recognised as a centre of excellence for its financial education since 2015.

It then received re-accreditation for the status in 2018.

“Financial education is not a statutory part of the curriculum at primary level but leaving it until secondary school, I feel, is too late,” Katy said.