Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Your finances are improving. Getting a raise will allow you to buy a status symbol you’ve been craving for months. Ignore a jealous relative who will mock this purchase. You work hard for your money. Use it to acquire things that give you pleasure. Don’t get drawn into a power struggle. A more experienced person deserves respect, even if you disagree with their methods. Until you’ve devoted as much time and energy to work as this expert, you should stop mocking them.

Taurus (Apr21/May21) It’s time to wipe the slate clean. An old heartbreak is no reason to abandon your dreams. Summon your courage and take a risk. The worst thing that can happen is that you’ll fall short of your goal. You owe it to yourself to try. Pursuing a spiritual life is becoming an increasing priority. You’ve always been highly practical. Devoting your life to making money and fulfilling responsibilities is exhausting. You need a philosophy that deepens your appreciation of life.

Gemini (May22/Jun21) Legal matters demand your attention. It’s important to submit paperwork and apply for interviews before a deadline. If you ignore the court’s rules, you will make a bad situation worse. Be as cooperative as possible, even if you resent these intrusions. Connect with your romantic partner on a physical level. Too often, you overanalyse your relationship. This sucks the juice right out of your union. Stop questioning your feelings and motives. Abandon yourself to pleasure instead. If you’re single, you’ll meet someone special at a professional conference.

Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Take a break from the old routine. Going on a short trip for pleasure will lift your spirits. Visit a place known for its natural beauty. It will be a relief to escape household responsibilities. Spend as much time outdoors as possible. Letting go of a failed relationship will be liberating. Although your ex was helpful to you in many ways, they no longer serve your purposes. Release their hold over your heart and embrace your freedom. The best is yet to be.

Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Domestic matters have your attention. This is a good time to stock the pantry, tidy up and attend to yard work. If you’re looking for a new place to live, give thought to your work commute. You don’t want to spend all day in traffic. Achieving a healthier balance between life and work is imperative. Although it’s admirable that you want to do a great job, your loved ones are suffering from your prolonged absences from home. Take some time off and go on a family holiday.

Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Changes are occurring. Whether you have a new job, home or partner is immaterial. The important thing is to make a fresh start. Abandon whatever doesn’t serve you. Friends and family are extremely supportive of this change. Don’t be scared to pursue your heart’s desire. No matter how many romantic rivals you have, it shouldn’t worry you. Nobody is as intelligent, caring and alluring as you. Don’t be surprised when the object of your affection responds enthusiastically to your romantic overtures.

Libra (Sep24/Oct23) You’re used to dealing with stubborn people who insist they know best. Being able to cope with a demanding customer or neighbour will earn the respect of your peers. They’ll come to rely on you whenever this troublemaker appears on the scene. There’s more to life than security. Instead of making choices based on what is safe, take a big risk. Whether you quit your job to travel the world or leave a lacklustre relationship to live on your own is unimportant. Follow your heart.

Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Expanding your skill set will improve your job prospects. Learning a trade will be especially profitable for you. Whether you become a plumber, electrician or hairstylist is not important. Having specialised knowledge will allow you to thrive, regardless of the economy. Making a romantic choice will be more challenging than expected. Although you’re attracted to a restless rebel, you’re also charmed by successful achievers. You’re better off casting your lot with them. Both of you want a committed relationship.

Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Trust your moneymaking instincts. Pursuing a business opportunity involving property management, banking or engineering is strongly advised. Any venture aimed at creating long-term stability will cause your income to soar. Starting your own enterprise is another possibility worth exploring. To recover your zest for life, stop thinking in terms of what is practical. Follow an impulse to start your own business, splash out on a luxury purchase or take some time off work. You’re on the brink of a grand adventure; don’t turn your back on it.

Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You pour your boundless energy into getting ahead in your career. Landing a high-profile job will fill you with satisfaction. You’re a born leader. Taking orders from someone who lacks your knowledge and skills is always galling. Try for the top spot instead. Be proactive with the object of your affection. Expecting them to make the first move isn’t working. If this relationship is going to get traction, you must express your desires. Push past your fears of rejection. You’re a lot more attractive than you realise.

Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) You don’t have enough information to make an informed decision. Wait a little longer before making a move. An official will try to pressure you into making a purchase or taking a job before you are ready. Turn a deaf ear to their warnings. Compromising your creative vision isn’t possible. Instead of working with a committee, devote your attention to a solo project. It will take time and effort to realise the effect you want, so be patient. The devil is in the detail.

Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) You have a golden opportunity to move into an exciting industry. Be willing to take an entry level position for the sake of experience. You’ll soon get a promotion. Doing work you love will make you look and feel better. Reach out to a friend who is in trouble. Lending a sympathetic ear will help your loved one process a terrible disappointment. You’re a great listener because you never judge. Instead, you focus on the wellbeing of the person who pours out their heart to you.