When Peter Scott and Kate Rowling popped out for a Friday night drink night at their local they ended up with more than they bargained for - and bought the pub.

The couple are now the proud owners of the historic Pheasant Inn at Cumwhitton, near Carlisle.

And they still can’t quite believe how a chance comment in a conversation at the bar has lead to such a life-changing opportunity.

“It was just a comment that we would love to run somewhere like this and the whole thing spiralled from that,” said Peter.

He added: “We are both so passionate about food and drink and had talked about the possibility of running some kind of food business, but we had no idea we would be able to do that right here in our own village,

“When we got home that night we both couldn’t believe what had happened.”

They have bought the pub from Sara and Norm Drogomirecki and Sara’s mum, Christine Marshall, who had run it since 2005.

Kate said: “I think they wanted to sell it to someone who would look after it and have a vested interest in the future of the pub because it is a massive part of this community

“It was shut last year for a few months so a few of us did pop up bars in the village hall which we called the ‘The Pheasant on Tour’ which probably got us thinking that we could do something like this.”

The couple have a wealth of experience working for big businesses, but this is their first venture on their own.

Peter has held senior positions at United Biscuits, Muller and James Cropper where Kate is still the group lead on health, safety, environment and paper quality.

“We’ve inherited a fantastic team with Nigel Dell as head chef and Will Nicholson as soux chef along with Ally Dunning, Ali Frary and Bud Smith on front of house.

“As we are learning they are supporting us on the journey and keeping things running smoothly,” Kate said.

The pub is widening its impact by using local suppliers wherever possible.

Steve Wilson’s Butchers provides lamb from Heads Nook, near Brampton, and beef from Wigton as well as working with Grapevine, of Threlkeld, to develop the wine menu - a passion of Peter’s.

The menu retains the traditional meals associated with the Pheasant, but with a few variations and plans for themed evenings such as a Neapolitan night.

Future plans for the pub include restoring the upstairs function room and re-establishing its six B&B rooms which could prove popular with tourists using the airport as well as cyclists as the pub is near the halfway point of the coast to coast route.

The Pheasant Inn is open Wednesday to Sunday each week.

As well as full calendar of events in the run-up to Christmas will be hosting Cumbrian band The Thieving Magpies on December 13.