IMPROVING health, wellbeing and safety was the focus of a community event in west Cumbria.

The Well Whitehaven drop-in session offered free health checks and advice to residents at St Benedict’s Rugby Club, on Newlands Avenue, in Mirehouse, Whitehaven.

Residents also received advice on crime prevention, particularly keeping safe in their community, by Cumbria Police.

Home Group assisted people with housing issues and told residents about where they find support.

Cumbria County Council’s public health team and the Mirehouse Pharmacy staff gave free health and wellbeing advice.

It is one in a series of events for Mirehouse and Corkickle communities on the second Wednesday of every month at St Benedict’s Rugby Club where Well Whitehaven officers will be available to give advice to the public.

Mirehouse resident and Copeland borough councillor Carl Walmsley was in attendance, he said: “I think the sessions are fantastic and I urge more residents to attend them.”

He said: “The opportunity to have discussions, free health checks and an opportunity to talk to organisations such as the police, Home Group and your councillors face to face that, at times, can be really hard to get hold of.”

Well Whitehaven Community regeneration officer, Emma Williamson said: “It was fantastic to have so many residents join us on the day.

She said: “Improving health and wellbeing is a big priority for the community and the Well Whitehaven initiative.

Health advice from the county council and Mirehouse pharmacy included information on blood pressure and Atrial Fibrillation testing.

Emma said: “The blood pressure and AF testing provided residents with real time results enabling them to get a glimpse into their current health status and the advice provided gave residents the opportunity to learn about making positive changes to improve their wellbeing.”

The district of Mirehouse is a focus for Well Whitehaven which aims to bring education, energy and aspiration to the town.

More information is available on the Well Whitehaven Facebook page and @WhitehavenWell on Twitter.