Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You’ve been working hard with little reward. It’s time to have a talk with your employer. If they’re not willing to raise your pay, stay calm. Begin looking for another position. It’s easier to find a job when you already have one. Income tax could be more than expected. Panicking about a bill is a waste of valuable energy. Instead, make a list of things that make you feel prosperous. This will attract the income you need to fulfil this debt.

Taurus (Apr21/May21)

A business or romantic partnership is a source of concern. You no longer have the same needs. This causes a great deal of arguments and hurt feelings. If you have grown apart, wish each other well and move on to greener pastures. Do you want to salvage this bond? Stop focusing on all the things that make you unhappy about this union. Praise your other half whenever possible. By paying attention to their positive attributes, they’ll show you their best self.

Gemini (May22/Jun21)

You’re faced with an important decision. Double check some facts and figures. It’s possible you’ve been given a study that isn’t reliable. Do some background research. You’ll soon discover some better options. Advocate for a better deal. Nobody can protect your interests better than you. You’re concerned about your health. If your current job is creating too much stress, imagine a more restful form of employment. Be as detailed as possible with this fantasy. You’ll soon attract a much better job that doesn’t drain your energy.

Cancer (Jun22/Jul23)

Unrealistic expectations of a romantic partner or a child could make everyone miserable. Instead of trying to change somebody, embrace them on their own merits. Celebrate their creative, sporting or intellectual talent. Embrace their loving heart. Praise their excellent taste or compliment their helpful impulses. Each of us is blessed with strengths and weaknesses. When you focus on a person’s good points, they become more relaxed, happy and attentive. In return, they’ll appreciate you more. At that point, you can form a much stronger relationship.

Leo (Jul24/Aug23)

Selling property will be more difficult than expected. Be realistic when setting a price. It will be easier to get a good bid if you ask for slightly less than market rate. Before you know it, you’ll be choosing from among several attractive offers. You’re concerned about your job. It doesn’t feel very secure. If you want to stay with your current company, expand your skill set. Get additional training or an advanced degree. Make yourself invaluable to the team.

Virgo (Aug24/Sep23)

A group association has become a financial drain. If you no longer want to pay dues or attend group outings, hand in your resignation. Don’t worry about what others will think. It’s your money; spend it on what you want. You’re worried about the health of a relative or neighbour. The best way to speed their recovery is to lift their spirits. Keep your conversations light. Watch funny movies together. Find ways to make them feel happy, comfortable and hopeful.

Libra (Sep24/Oct23)

An expected raise will fall through. Channel your disappointment into a productive direction. Looking for a new position will make you excited about your prospects. Rather than putting up with a boring work situation, you’ll find a stimulating one. Setbacks are course corrections. Do not get drawn into a power struggle with a romantic partner. If your other half is intent on doing something you do not want, withdraw your attention from them. If you feel like your money must be protected, put yours in a separate account.

Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22)

Are you having difficulty controlling your temper? Take control of your destiny. Although you can’t change anyone else’s behaviour, you can alter your reaction to it. Whenever you feel provoked or attacked, praise yourself. It’s easy to deflect negative energy when you have strong self-confidence. Beware of falling in love with someone who already has a partner. You deserve to be with someone who is fully focused on you. Stop flirting with this conflicted individual and look for a more appropriate person to love.

Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21)

A rival is trying to make trouble for you. The best way to deflect gossip is to behave in an honest, forthright manner. This comes naturally to an honest and open person like you. If others disapprove of your behaviour, let them. You don’t live to please them. It’s difficult to pinpoint the source of a mysterious illness. While waiting for the results of a medical test, practice a healthy outlook. Give thanks for your body and take as many opportunities as possible to make it feel good.

Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20)

The laws of a foreign country may not allow you to do business in the way you wish. Try not to dwell on your disappointment. Keep an open mind and talk about what you really want. A solution will arrive sooner than expected. A short trip must be postponed. It’s more important to help a relative with some practical matters. You have a good sense of what should be done to make everyone’s lives easier. Process some paperwork as soon as possible.

Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19)

This isn’t a good time to buy or rent property. You won’t find anything you like. Entering an agreement as a stopgap measure will be cause for regret. Hold out for a better situation. It will arrive when you stop lowering your expectations. Rules and regulations are keeping you from landing a job you greatly desire. Rather than cursing the system, find a way to get what you want. If this means getting advanced training, begin. These classes will be more enjoyable than expected.

Pisces (Feb20/Mar20)

Don’t let an upsetting voicemail or text ruin your day. Instead, stop what you’re doing and breathe deep. Remind yourself there is a solution available to this dilemma. Relax and ask for help. A neighbour or relative will come to your rescue. Travel plans will be cancelled. This is a blessing in disguise. A much better trip is in the cards for you. Look for an opportunity to visit an ancient city by the sea. You’ll find a deal that excites your imagination. Sign up for it.